Tuesday, November 24, 2015



Santino Nyang is one of the original “Lost Boys of Sudan” as accurately depicted in the movie, “The Good Lie”, starring Reese Witherspoon.  He now lives in Phoenix, AZ and works at the Fry’s Foods (a division of Kroger) near his home. (SEE: http://nevalleynews.org/5184/lifestyles/ae/frys-foods-holds-fundraiser-for-paradise-valley-community-college-student/)

At age 11 the North Sudanese Muslim Army raided his village killing raping the women, killing the men and any children they found.  They killed Santino’s father but his mother lived through that ordeal. Santino was sent to run into the jungle by his mother so he would live.  For four days he ran through the jungle coming across lions, tigers and snakes before he found another human, and that was his cousin.  They met thousands of others fleeing the Muslims all heading to safety in Ethiopia.   They had to keep hiding from the Muslim soldiers who patrolled the paths they had to take to get to Ethiopia.

After walking for 3 months and 1,000 miles they arrived in an Ethiopian refugee camp.  After 2 years there the U.N. sent them to southern Sudan, so they had to walk another 1,000 miles --- as a boy of only 13 – to another refugee camp in Kenya. 

In 2000 Santino and his cousin were relocated to Phoenix, Arizona where he became a U.S citizen in 2007, works at a Fry’s grocery store in NE Phoenix and is working toward a degree in Retail Management at Maricopa Community Colleges

In 2010 Santino went to Africa to visit his family and was very surprised when they announced to him they had found a bride for him and they were to get married on this visit.   Santino’s wife is very attached to her mother and was not ready to come to the U.S. but she is now ready to come with the children to be a complete family. 

Over the past few years, from subsequent visits to Africa Santino is now the very proud father of a 4-year-old boy and a girl who is nearly 2.  When he went to Africa for 2 months recently neither of his children left his side for a second … that is how much they miss him and need him.

With the rapidly growing spread of ISIS and other radical Muslims in Africa, Santino fears for the safety of his 2 beautiful, loving children and wants to bring them to the safety of the United States … HE NEEDS YOUR HELP.   He does not want them to have to flee to the jungle when the Muslim Soldiers decide to attack the village where his children live. 

John Chandler is working hard to help; “All I am asking for is a few dollars from many people to reach the $20,000 Santino will need to cover all of the costs for him to fly to Africa, complete the stacks of paperwork the African government and the U.S. Consulate / Embassy will require for him to bring his children here --- because Santino is a U.S. citizen, so are his children.”  (To learn more about Santino Nyang and his fundraising goals, visit http://www.gofundme.com/stqzsk)

If you have any questions you may phone – John Chandler – if I do not have the answers you want, he will ask Santino personally for the answers.

John Chandler - Chandler Search
P.O. Box 54445, Phoenix, AZ  85078
If you like, you may send a “Friend” request to Santino on Facebook at Santino Nyang.  https://www.facebook.com/santino.nyang?fref=ts



Friday, July 17, 2015

I am Losing 3 Pounds a Week by Drinking a New Weight Loss Coffee! 

I am Losing 3 Pounds a Week by Drinking a New Weight Loss Coffee!

I have discovered the SlimROAST™ Coffee magic. I am maintaining around 900 calories per day diet. All I can say is, “IT WORKS”! My sugar cravings are GONE. Free Sample! Try it now! I will pay for, and send you a FREE sample.

1 2 3 4 5 
PRLog - July 17, 2015 - BOISE, Idaho -- My name is Buck Hunter, I weighed over 475 pounds.  I now weigh 380. I am losing an average of 3 pounds per week. My goal is weigh 180 pounds by December 31, 2016.  I have discovered the SlimROAST™ Coffee magic.  My sugar cravings are GONE.  I am maintaining around 900 calories per day diet.  All I can say is, “IT WORKS”!

How do you lose weight easily, without changing much of your daily routine?
 Weight-loss coffee, of course! Free Sample! Try it now! I will pay for, and send you a free sample.  sendmethecoffee@gmail.com

SlimROAST™ is the easy way to aid your diet. Customers report losing 2 to 3 pounds WEEK by replacing their usual coffee with SlimROAST™.

SlimROAST™ is the new, healthier coffee, which can make you feel good, slim down and increase your concentration levels. SlimROAST™ dramatically reduces sugar cravings and suppresses appetite, for the easy way to diet, without cutting out coffee.

Losing weight is no easy tasks, which is why the delicious Italian dark roast coffee has been infused with natural appetite suppressants and detoxing ingredients, to help you, naturally, on your way to a slimmer, happier you.


SlimROAST™ also aids natural fat burn, whilst reducing your body’s sugar absorption. The main benefit of the coffee, however, is that it will not reduce your concentration, or ability to focus whilst you are dieting and travelling the path to becoming a better you. In fact, SlimROAST™ aids your focus and natural concentration, to make you more productive whilst you diet!

So, how does SlimROAST™ taste? We’ve all tried weight-loss aids, that claim to taste just like the “real thing” and we’ve all had the horrible backlash of a chemical taste in our throats.

This is not the case with SlimROAST™, as the rich, Italian, dark roast beans taste exactly like regular coffee, only you’ll know that you actually taste an amazing weight-loss aid!

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Friday, June 26, 2015


Pastor Cecil A. Thompson Announces The Release Of 3 New Books

“I have just completed my new auto-biography, “LIFE IS A BLAST! Minuteman to Ministry: A Pastor Looks Back on His Life and Anticipates the Future!” “In conjunction with a special Kindle Books promotion, I am giving away all 3 books “FREE” for the next 3 days.”

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Pastor Cecil and Joyce Thompson
Pastor Cecil and Joyce Thompson
PRLog - June 26, 2015 - OLYMPIA, Wash. -- Pastor Cecil A. Thompson Announces The Release Of 3 New Books

During a recent interview Pastor Cecil told me; “I have just completed my new auto-biography, “LIFE IS A BLAST! Minuteman to Ministry: A Pastor Looks Back on His Life and Anticipates the Future!”

“In conjunction with a special Kindle Books promotion, I am giving away all 3 books “FREE” for the next 3 days.” (Saturday 27th through Monday 29th)  “I want to make sure all my devoted Daily-E-Votional readers would also receive this free offer being released to the public today.” “I want to thank all of my faithful Daily-E-Votional readers for 15 great years!” (http://daily-e-votional.com/)
LIFE IS A BLAST! Minuteman to Ministry: A Pastor Looks Back on His Life and Anticipates the Future!
 by Pastor Cecil A. Thompson

Life starts for everyone at the moment of birth. What a profound statement! It is what we do with that life that counts. To ask the question, “How in the world did I get here?” Seems to demand another question, “Where is here?” Here is where we happen to be at this very moment. It is not a particular age or a particular achievement. It is where we are right now.

I have been writing for many years but most of it has been unrelated to specific periods of time. You might say it has been a recounting of random thoughts, stories, illustrations, and memories. Someone much wiser than me as suggested that while there is still time I need to put down some of the things that I have done that will not be remembered after I’m gone. Isn’t that a cheerful thought?!

And so my story begins. This little boy who was stuck with the name Junior was about to enter life and have the most wonderful experience that can even be imagined.  Yes I had many disciplines along the way, but as I look back they were all deserved, and a few I got away with. Please fasten your seat belt and take this trip with me. Pastor Cecil A. Thompson

Kindle Book - Sat 27 to Mon 29 http://www.amazon.com/LIFE-BLAST-Minuteman-Ministry-Antic...
Life Is So Daily: A 365 Day Walk with the Word
 by Cecil A. Thompson

This book provides a full year of selected Daily E Votionals to assist you in making each day more meaningful in serving the Lord. My desire for each of us is that we will allow every situation in our life an opportunity to serve the Lord.

Free Kindle Book - Sat 27 to Mon 29 http://www.amazon.com/Life-So-Daily-Walk-Word/dp/B00XLR2I9U
Love Joy Peace: A Tasty Sample of Spiritual Fruit That Will Give You A Boost For The Day!
 by Pastor Cecil A. Thompson

Back in the 1970’s I was Deputy Director of the Idaho Law Enforcement Planning Commission. I also taught a few night classes in the Criminal Justice field at Boise State University. One term I was called by the Registrar’s Office and asked to teach a large class in Sociology. I had my Master’s Degree in Sociology and agreed to teach it. Most of the night classes had about 20 students and that was what I was anticipating.To my surprise there were over 120 registered. I now became more of an entertainer than professor.

The first class session I gave the assignment to write three most important qualities they wanted in their life. The answers were:  1. LOVE!  2. JOY!  3. PEACE!

When I read their results I opened to Galatians and read Galatians 5:22-23; “But the fruit of the Spirit is  • Love,  • Joy,  • Peace,  • Longsuffering,  • Kindness,  • Goodness,  Faithfulness,  • Gentleness,  • Self-Control.  Against such there is no law.” But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.”  I think that those qualities are what we all seek to find. How sad people seek in all the wrong places. This book will help you find just the right “SPIRITUAL FRUIT” for your day.
Free Kindle Book - Sat 27 to Mon 29

Thursday, June 25, 2015


7 Days In Hell: I Was There!: An Eyewitness Account of the True Existence Hell!

Author Larry E. Hunter received great reviews from other prominent authors!

NEW - 7 DAYS IN HELL Book Cover
NEW - 7 DAYS IN HELL Book Cover
PRLog - June 25, 2015 - BOISE, Idaho -- HELL A REAL PLACE Our curiosity about the abode of the dead is not completely satisfied by biblical terms or verses. What we do know is that either eternal torment in hell or eternal joy in heaven awaits all people after death, based on whether they trust in Christ's payment for sin or reject Christ. I WAS THERE!

The Bible calls hell dark, lonely and miserable, a place of eternal separation from God. But God doesn't want anyone to go there. He wants a relationship with us through His Son, Jesus Christ, so we can spend eternity with Him in heaven. You don't have to fear hell. Take time now to be assured of your place in heaven.

DIANA S. ZIMMERMAN, AUTHOR: This is a fascinating book and a remarkable read on may levels--not the least of which is the straight-forward sincerity with which it is written. Whether you believe in heaven or hell, or even in God, it is a book that unfolds with concepts and beliefs that are as intriguing as they are controversial. Larry "Buck" Hunter writes with a passion that defines his journey to hell and back with clarity and depth.

DR. VIN SMITH, PHD - AUTHOR: 7 Days in Hell will jerk you awake, and shake you by the scruff of the neck. It isn't God wanting to send you to Hell, it is Satan. The misery is unbearable in Hell, and there is no chance of release. Step by step, Hunter shows the exact truth of a very real place... A place you do not want to go...

KATHERINE BILLINGSLEY DUKE, READER: This book tells the Bible chapter and verse where no one wants to go. "Don't play with matches" and make way for Jesus. For seven days we see an out of body experience. No question we hang tight with Jesus!

NEW BOOK by Author Larry E. Hunter
7 Days In Hell: I Was There!: An Eyewitness Account of the True Existence Hell!

BUY IT NOW: http://www.amazon.com/Days-Hell-Eyewitness-Account-Existence/dp/1512214116

Saturday, June 20, 2015


History of Father's Day Festival as seen today is not even a hundred years old. Thanks to the hard work and struggle of Ms. Sonora Louise Smart Dodd of Washington that just as we have set aside Mother's Day to honor mothers we have a day to acknowledge the important role played by the father.

However, some scholars opine that Father's Day history is much older than we actually believe it to be. They say that the custom of honoring dad's on a special day is over 4,000 years old. There are a few more claims about the Father's Day origin about which we will learn in this page.


Scholars believe that the origin of Father's Day is not a latest phenomenon, as many believe it to be. Rather they claim that the tradition of Father's Day can be traced in the ruins of Babylon.

They have recorded that a young boy called Elmesu carved a Father's Day message on a card made out of clay nearly 4,000 years ago. Elmesu wished his Babylonian father good health and a long life.

Though there is no record of what happened to Elmesu and his father but the tradition of celebrating Father's Day remained in several countries all over the world.


Modern version of Father's Day celebration originated in United States of America and thereafter the tradition spread in countries around the world.

The world owes thanks to Ms. Sonora Louise Smart Dodd a loving daughter from Spokane, Washington as it is because of her struggle that Father's Day saw the light of the day.

The idea of Father's Day celebration originated in Sonora's mind when she per chance listened to Mother's Day sermon in 1909. Fairly mature at the age 27, Sonora pondered if there is a day to honor mother then why not for father? Sonora felt strongly for fathers because of the affection she received from her own father Mr. William Jackson Smart, a Civil War veteran. Sonora's mother died while childbirth when she was just 16. Mr. Smart raised the newborn and five other children with love and care. 

Though there was initial hesitation the idea gained gradual popularity all over US and Father’s Day came to be celebrated in cities across the country.

Looking at the heightened popularity of Father's Day in US, President Woodrow Wilson approved of this idea in 1916.
President Calvin Coolidge too supported the idea of a national Father's Day in 1924 to, "establish more intimate relations between fathers and their children and to impress upon fathers the full measure of their obligations".
After a protracted struggle of over four decades, President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the third Sunday of June as Father's Day in 1966.

Then in 1972, President Richard Nixon established a permanent national observance of Father's Day to be held on the third Sunday of June. 

Sonora Smart Dodd was honored for her contribution at the World's Fair in Spokane in 1974. 
Mrs. Dodd died in 1978 at age 96.
Holly Dunn Daddy's Hands [Lyrcis]

Monday, May 18, 2015

AVAILABLE ONLINE NOW! NEW BOOK JUST RELEASED! Life Is So Daily!: A 365 Day Walk With The Word, Pastor Cecil A. Thompson Compiled by Larry E. Hunter

Pastor ​Cecil A. Thompson has​ just completed 

his second book; 
Life Is So Daily!  A 365 Day Walk With The Word
by Pastor ​Cecil A. Thompson, Compiled by Larry E. Hunter

Life Is So Daily!: A 365 Day Walk With The Word. 

New Book Just Released, by Pastor Cecil A. Thompson

Life Is So Daily!: A 365 Day Walk With The Word. by Pastor Cecil A. Thompson, Compiled by Larry E. Hunter This NEW book provides a full year of selected Daily-E-Votionals to assist you in making each day a more meaningful event!

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Life Is So Daily! Cover
Life Is So Daily! Cover
PRLog - May 18, 2015 - TUMWATER, Wash. -- NEW BOOK JUST RELEASED! Life Is So Daily!: A 365 Day Walk With The Word, by Pastor Cecil A. Thompson, Compiled by Larry E. Hunter

A BRIEF HISTORY: In the 1970’s I was on the ministerial staff of a large church. At one of our weekly staff meetings, the Senior Pastor announced that he wanted to start daily devotionals. Each staff member was to write seven devotionals which would be printed and distributed to the congregation each Sunday.  Unfortunately, the project only lasted a short while because staff members complained that it was impossible to produce material for seven days.

THE DAILY E-VOTIONAL BEGINS: Thirty years later, September 15, 2000, I was pastoring a small congregation and requested the members email addresses. The number of responses surprised me so I sent them a short devotional message.

Once again the response surprised me. They wanted me to send more! As I prayed about the commitment it would require on my part, the Lord prompted me to use this method to share His Word through my life experiences. The Daily E Votional was born.

At the outset I sent out a new message seven days a week. Some of my spiritual counselors advised me to reduce it to five days a week or I would not have the energy to sustain it. I listened and limited the E Votionals to five days a week.

The other change I made was to shorten the messages. Can I let you in on a little secret? It is much easier to write much than to write little. I eventually tried to cut back to a single page and encapsulate the message within four paragraphs. I also discovered that people like stories, which reminded me that Jesus used stories as the basis for much of His teaching. He painted word pictures that allowed the people to visualize His message.

I have had a very unique work history all the way from driving a milk delivery truck, to jet aircraft mechanic, to police officer, to juvenile probation officer, to Air Force Personnel Officer, to Missile Launch Officer, to Nuclear Safety Officer, to Criminal Justice Planner and, through almost all of it, a preacher and teacher of God’s Word.

Life Is So Daily!: A 365 Day Walk With The Word
by Pastor Cecil A. Thompson, Compiled by Larry E. Hunter

This book provides a full year of selected Daily-E-Votionals to assist you in making each day more meaningful in serving the Lord. My desire for each of us is that we will allow every situation in our life an opportunity to serve the Lord. May God bless you, Dear Hearts! Pastor Cecil

ABOUT PASTOR CECIL: ​From time to time I receive requests asking about me and who I am. To be honest, I occasionally ask myself the same questions. With that in mind, I would like to give you a brief glimpse of who this guy is who calls himself “Pastor Cecil.”

Pastor, Tumwater Chapel of Grace Ministries
5116 Bald Eagle Lane S.W.
Tumwater, Washington 98512

 Preaching assignments in South Dakota, Newfoundland, Missouri;Assoc. Pastor (Discipleship/Counseling) - Nampa, Idaho,1st Nazarene Pastor - Burns, Oregon Church of the Nazarene; Pastor - Shelton, Washington Church of the Nazarene; Pastor - Olympia, Washington – Summit Lake Community Church; Pastor - Chapel of Grace Ministries.

PERSONAL BACKGROUND AND TESTIMONY:​ I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior during a Vacation Bible School in Camas, Washington, when I was in the third or fourth grade. It was a genuine experience and I have never turned back from following Him all of my life. In 1948 I fell in love with my sweetheart Joyce when we were both 14. Throughout our 62 plus years of marriage we remained totally devoted to each other.

Joyce and I were blessed with three beautiful children and eight gorgeous grandchildren. Blessing is the operative word in our life because we early on learned the secret of blessing.

In 1991, one year after becoming pastor at Summit Lake Community Church, our oldest daughter ascended to be with our Lord. We learned the blessing of trusting the Lord even when allowing our precious girl to slip the bonds of this world. Her three children, surrounded with our prayers, became such a joy to us. We are even more blessed to have our son Dan, his wife Donna and their family living close to us.

Our youngest daughter, Lori, experienced kidney failure in 2001. She started kidney dialysis and went on the transplant list for both her kidney and pancreas. On December 18, 2001, our granddaughter Jenna (Brenda’s daughter), donated one of her kidneys to her aunt Lori. The transplant was a great success.

On February 5, 2002, a pancreas became available and was transplanted at the University Of Washington Medical Center where the kidney transplant had been completed the previous year. Several months later the pancreas failed and Lori received a second transplant. She has experienced several challenges since the transplants, but we walk by faith, as does she, and simply allow the Lord to work out the details.

Together Joyce and I experienced many blessings of the Lord on our ministry. Even though my dear wife has now ascended to be with our Lord, we always believed that there is no such thing as retirement. I want to be found faithful when the Lord calls me to be with Him and reunited with my dear ones who have gone on before me.

This is a tiny glimpse of Pastor Cecil. My one desire is to be used in any and every way the Lord chooses. Walk with God today, trust Him completely, and be a blessing. Pastor Cecil. Pastor Cecil's “The Sands Of Eternity” Video Message At: http://www.pastorcecil.com/

Life Is So Daily!: A 365 Day Walk With The Word, 
Pastor Cecil A. Thompson
Compiled by Larry E. Hunter

(SmashWords) Life Is So Daily!: A 365 Day Walk With The Word.  Reader sets the price!  Download the full versions of this book: epub  mobi (Kindle)  pdf  rtf  lrf pdb  txt  https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/542565

(Kindle Edition) Life Is So Daily!: A 365 Day Walk With The Word 

(CeateSpace) Life Is So Daily!: A 365 Day Walk With The Word- SOFT COVER BOUND​ ​
(Amazon Books) Life Is So Daily!: A 365 Day Walk With The Word - SOFT COVER BOUND

Friday, May 15, 2015

By Steve Harrison

Shortcut #1:  How to Sell More Books Through Free Publicity.  I’ll share a technique that I gave one of my clients and how I helped him implement it.  He sold 15,000 books from this one strategy alone and even turned one interview into $250,000.  You’ll love my 3 big keys for turning media interviews into sales.

Shortcut #2:  How to Become a Repeat Guest on National TV.  I've helped a number of my clients land their first national TV appearances and then parlay those into repeat appearances.  You’ll meet one of my author clients who’s now a regular on the Today show (they've called him four times in the last two months!)  You’ll learn how he went from not knowing what to do, to getting on TV, to becoming one of their “go to” relationship experts.

Shortcut #3:  Turn Your Website Into A Money Machine. The sad fact is most authors/experts don’t make money from their website.  Mary Ann, a doctor and therapist in Texas was in the same situation.  Her practice took a hit when she had to spend long hours taking care of her mother.  But then she came to me and my team.  Six months later she was amazed at how much business was coming in.  We’ll show you what she did.

Shortcut #4:  How to Get Corporations to Pay You to Speak – Want to have big companies pay you for what you do?  My clients have credited my coaching with helping them land lucrative business deals with major companies either in the form of sponsorships, training fees, speaking engagements and/or consulting fees.  How can YOU do that?  I’ll show you. 

Shortcut #5:   This Little Shift Can Make You a Hugely Successful Speaker – A professional speaker has told me several times that one phone consultation with me was worth over $1 million to him. It led to his becoming a much more successful speaker in the personal development space.  What did I tell him?  Join me on Monday and he’ll tell you himself. 

Shortcut #6:   How to Generate Passive Income From Your Message – You’ll meet one of my clients who has turned her passion for cooking into a lucrative passive income that she’s able to do while being a stay at home mom.  Learn how she writes something and gets paid for it over and over again.

Shortcut #7:  Your Master Plan: How to Put All the Pieces Together  Ever feel overwhelmed by all the things you need to do to succeed as an author/expert?  I’ll show you how to put the pieces together by giving you the seven critical pieces authors/experts need for maximum income and influence.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Position yourself to succeed NOW!





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Position yourself to succeed NOW!

​The KEY is YOU and 4.  ​Pay YOUR $18, THEN GET 4 PEOPLE TO DO THE SAME4 Corners is a forced matrix. In other words, you ALSO get “spillover” from your up line.​
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Position yourself to succeed NOW!

Monday, April 6, 2015

This is the love Jesus spoke about carried out by two real people.  It really is that hard to love.





The badge that he is wearing is an Ordnance Disposal Badge (i.e., bomb disposal)
















































If he is a hero...........She is an angel.
If you care to offer the smallest token of recognition and appreciation
for our military, please pass this on and
pray for our men and women who have served
and are currently serving our country.

And pray for those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for freedom!!!